you legal solutions provider

  • We turn the idea of legal services

    Consolidating many years of experience and practice, the company's lawyers accompany complex projects and achieve a number of important decisions for the industry. Many of them form the practice of applying the law of the sea in Ukraine.

  • Putting Customers First: Our Commitment to Customer-Centric Excellence.

    In our company, we proudly declare a customer-centric focus at the core of all our actions. We strive not only to meet customer needs but to exceed their expectations. Our team continuously works on enhancing the customer experience, ensuring that each of our clients feels special and satisfied.

  • Pioneering Tomorrow: Embracing Innovation in Every Endeavor

    We are advocates for innovation, embodying groundbreaking ideas in every aspect of our operations. Our company continually seeks new approaches and technologies to stay ahead of the curve, offering products and services that align with the latest trends and expectations. We take pride in our commitment to innovation, shaping the future today.

  • Driving Success: Our Business-Oriented Approach for Sustainable Growth

    At the core of our enterprise is a business-oriented focus aimed at sustainable growth. We aspire not only to short-term gains but to long-term viability. Our business strategy is geared towards creating value for customers, partners, and shareholders, ensuring a successful future and sustaining the dynamic growth of our company.


What can we do better than others?

IT and e-commerce

An endless stream of contracts, tax issues, labor relations, corporate papers - legal work distracts you from doing business. But there is not much work to do to hire an in-house lawyer.

Comprehensive daily legal support

In addition, over time, the work will become the same type and uninteresting for a full-time lawyer. And we know very well how difficult it is to find a good candidate with experience in the field of information technology in Ukraine.

Structuring corporate relationships

Instead of just providing legal services, we will hire a lawyer or a whole team that will fit into the daily life of your company.

Building contractual relations

Once a week, or week after month, you have your own lawyer by your side. Anyone in the company can catch it at the coffee maker and just talk about current affairs instead of waiting for update status.

Protection of business, intellectual property

And all the other time he will work on new diverse projects, so he will definitely not stop in professional development. One way or another, all Axon Partners will work for you instead of a corporate lawyer.

Judicial representation

Is it a small, medium-sized company or a market leader? Local business or multinational company? Do you have your own legal department or not?

Oleksandr Oleksandrovskii

Ми звикли брати на себе відповідальність та завжди гарантуємо чесну, вчасну допомогу, навіть у ситуаціях, коли більшість безсилі.

Олександр Олександровський

Керуючий партнер

Anna Annova

Наш колектив - це об'єднання професіоналів, які завжди готові підтримати один одного. Ми не просто команда, ми справжня родина.

Ганна Аннова

Менеджер з персоналу

Andrei Andrievskii

У нас у команді завжди панує атмосфера взаємодопомоги та взаєморозуміння. Ми не просто працюємо разом, ми ростемо разом.

Андрій Андрієвський


They already trust us


We have something to tell

Equity associate

Equity associate

April 22

I'm a jun on projects. I am a co-owner of a law firm. How it happened. Before entering my parents told me that if I…


Penalty for the Good Corporation: what will happen to Google and others for violating the GDPR

September 29

And why the recovery of 50 million euros could be a fateful precedent According to January 21 National Commission for Data Protection.


Millennial Testament

August 19

What and how modern vloggers, opinion leaders and crypto-millionaires will inherit A typical legacy of the Ukrainian generation X looks like this: an apartment in…

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